Found out that my phone has a bit of problem (the speaker, mic and also sometimes quite laggy), i had this intention of purchasing a new one. You might think that i just know how to waste money, but the fact is my phone is really old now ( 2years?) and i had dropped and got it fixed a couple of time. Therefore, i think i should change my phone for a new 1 but i'm not quite sure whether my parents would buy me 1 as they think that i spent too much money which i don't really agree with that. Here's the options of the phones i would like to have...

The blackberry pearl flip-elegant, simple and sleek.
HTC diamond touch 2 which satisfy all my need but it is not released in the market yet. (might be quite costly)
The SE IDOU which has the camera of 12 megapixels. Quite obsess with it but sadly it is still not in the market yet.

The touch screen blackberry, Blackberry storm. The design and function is quite satisfyin but sadly it has no wi-fi.
Dunno which to choose between these options. But i guess i still have to wait for some of these to come out. Any suggestion of which to buy?