The trophy, certificate and the voucher of RM 1000 (not cheque?).
See, it's just the damn voucher!
Well, maybe you would think that this is such a meany, cheapskate and mizer school who had reduce the amount of money from RM 1500 to RM 1000 for PMR students and also they had made the money only redeemable from school fees, but it think that it is fine as it at least gives us some encouragement to work harder ( or maybe not?).
After that, I went back home to change and later met up with Mashi (mummy pants), Ghia and Yen in secret recipe. I had ordered a plate of spaghetti, a sugar-free moist chocolate cake and also a glass of frosty lemon tea but sadly, i can;t really finished them. I'm sorry......YEAH, and also perverted Mashi, Ghia and maybe Yen wanted to look at my naked leg with their naked eyes and yes, they did. I told them i have a pair of sexy and seductive hairy leg which could even kill straight guys. Whether you agree or not, just read on please.
Have me eating gorgeously ,i mean greedily in secret recipe before going to Shan's house.
Mashi's kid fish and chips. They all had kid's meals. I wonder why?
Then, we proceeded to Shan's house and occasionally she was at the door by the time we reached her house in my mum's car. Andre ( Audery) was there too in her adorable shirt.We went to Shan's room, later to spend the next two hours before Lyn arrived to fetch us to the clubhouse. Mashi, eventually found her long burden talent in curling Yen's hair. And also i got to meet up with the bear i gave to Shan few years ago. I missed it so badly . Oops, this reminded me of the phrase, " I would not let u have the chance to miss me" and "I just don't have the strength to stay away from you". Gosh, it's just so not true that a person would be like that but it's really sweet and romantic. I wonder would anyone says these to me. I just want these so badly.
Mashi, Ghia, Yen and the bear. THE BEAR? How dare you steal the bear, Mummy pants!
The cake that Mashi baked. I mean the hair that Mashi curled. Yen, you look more mature. This is 'supposed' to be a complement. But I really curled hair chicks.
The bear and I. X)
Not long after that, we went to clubhouse in Lyn's car. Garett, Yen, Mashi and I played snooker in the snooker room which we met up with some kids. I think that they are a lot better than us in playing snooker. In fact, i don't that they really know how to play , so can u imagine me playing it?
Yen snookering. Look at the kids!
Next, we went back to Shan's house. We played the dancing game and had some snacks and also don't forget the drinks. It's really nice though.
Give me the drink!
I had done this exercise with Yen and Ghis to firm our buttocks. I did really ask Terence today on how to firm buttocks. And he asked me, " So u think that ur butt is big?". Is my butt big? But my friends used to say i have a flat butt.
I went back home after that at around 6. Mashi, Yen and Ghia were also leaving by that time. Guess what? My new room was already designed. I eventually went back home early to see how was it. It was okay actually but some small changes has to be made. I'm moving house soon, YEH! Well, that's it for now...